Problems 2

Instructions: Press one of the buttons on the right column The correct number is put in red .

1. Miguela has a collection of 5 dolls. She gave three dolls.

How many dolls does Miguela have now?

a) 8 dolls.

b) 2 dolls.

c) 6 dolls.



2. There were 3 books in the library of my house. For my birthday I received 4 books.

How many books do I have now?

a) 1 book.

b) 12 books.

c) 7 books.


3. There were 10 liters of water in a jar and 6 liters have been extracted.

How many liters are left?

a) 16 liters.

b) 4 liters.

c) 12 liters.


4. I have 8 candies in my closet. I give 5 to my friends.

How many candies do I have now?

a) 13 candies.

b) 6 candies.

c) 3 candies.


5. Pedro has 6 marbles, Juan has 6 and James has 5.

How many marbles are there altogether?

a) 12 marbles.

b) 17 marbles.

c) 11 marbles.


6. There were 4 cookies in one box. First, I ate 2 of them and then 1.

How many cookies are left?

a) 1 cookie.

b) 7 cookies.

c) 6 cookies.


7. Paloma had 6 books on her bookcase. She received 4 in her birthday and she lent 5 to her friends.

How many books does she have now?

a) 10 books.

b) 15 books.

c) 5 books.

8. 10 passengers travel in a DC-10 plane. At the airport 8 people go aboard and then 11 go down.

How many people are there on the plane?

a) 18 passengers.

b) 7 passengers.

c) 29 passengers.

9. Miguela has 10 euros. Her mother gives her 8 and she spent 6 euros on school supplies.

How much money does she have left?

a) 12 Euros.

b) 11 Euros.

c) 24 Euros.


10. A school bus transports 10 children. At the first stop 8 children get down and 9 new children get in.

How many children are there in the bus now?

a) 27 children.

b) 10 children.

c) 11 children.

11. One day Juan received 50 cents and another day he received 20 cents.

How much money did he received in the two days?

a) 70 cents.

b) 30 cents.

c) 40 cents.


12. Joseph fished 6 fishes and then he threw 5 of them to the river because they were small.

How many fishes are left?

a) 11 fishes.

b) 1 fish.

c) 4 fishes.


13.  My cousin is 7 years old.

How old will he be in 11 years?

a) 18 años.

b) 4 años.

c) 14 años.


14. Miguela collects stamps. One day, she bought 10. If she gives 5 stamps to her friend, Maria Pilar,

How many stamps does she have left?

a) 15 stamps.

b) 5 stamps.

c) 7 stamps.


15.  There was 6 cookies in a box. First I ate 5 cookies and then 1.

How many cookies are left?

a) 0 cookie.

b) 12 cookies.

c) 11 galletas.


16.  Rosa had 5 books on her bookcase. She received 3 in her birthday and she lent 2 to her friends.

How many books does she have now?

a) 10 books.

b) 8 books.

c) 6 books.


17.  I had 7 canaries in a cage. I sold 3 canaries and 1of them escaped.

How many canaries do I have now?

a) 3 canaries.

b) 2 canaries.

c) 1 canary.


18.  Elena has 10 euros. Her mother gives her 10 and she spent 7 euros on school supplies.

How much money does she have left?

a) 13 Euros.

b) 20 Euros.

c) 7 Euros.


19.  A school bus transports 11 children. At the first stop, 8 children get down and then 7 children get in.

How many children are there on the bus now?

a) 9 children.

b) 26 children.

c) 10 children.


20.  My mom has spent 9 euros in apples, 11 euros in bananas and 8 euros in oranges.

How much money did she spent?

a) 28 Euros.

b) 19 Euros.

c) 20 Euros.

21.  Amado is 4 years old and his brother is 2 years younger.

How old is the brother?

a) 6 years.

b) 2 years.

c) 5 years.


22.  Josefina had 6 chocolates and she ate 2 in the morning.

How many chocolates does she have now?

a) 8 chocolates.

b) 1 chocolate.

c) 4 chocolates.


23.  There were 10 rabbits in a farm and 7 rabbits died because of an epidemic.

How many rabbits are left on the farm?

a) 17 rabbits.

b) 3 rabbits.

c) 12 rabbits.


24.  I had 9 marbles and I lost 6 of them when I was playing.

How many marbles do I have now?

a) 15 marbles.

b) 8 marbles.

c) 3 marbles.


25.  There were 6 planes on the runway. 2 of them depart and then 4 more planes arrive.

How many planes are there on the runway?

a) 12 planes.

b) 8 planes.

c) 6 planes.


26.  Pilar has 2 CDs at home, Carmen has 2 and Soledad 3.

How many CDs are there altogether?

a) 7 CDs.

b) 8 CDs.

c) 9 CDs.


27.  A gardener planted 5 trees in a corner of the garden and then 6 in another corner. At the end, 2 trees died.

How many trees are there in the garden?

a) 13 trees.

b) 10 trees.

c) 9 trees.


28.  José Ramón has 11 euros in his pocket. He Spent 10 euros in candies and 1 in seed bags.

How much money does he have left?

a) 22 Euros.

b) 0 Euro.

c) 13 Euros.


29.  Mr. Esteban had 4 CDs in his store, he brought 6 CDs from the storehouse and sold 7.

How many CDs are left in the store?

a) 3 CDs.

b) 4 CDs.

c) 17 CDs.


30.  To make an installation, we buy 13 meters of cable. First, we used 5 and then 3 meters.

How many meters of cable are left?

a) 6 meters.

b) 21 meters.

c) 5 meters.

31.  Yesterday I walked 3 kilometers in the morning and 6 kilometers in the afternoon.

How many kilometers did I walk altogether?

a) 3 kilometers.

b) 8 kilometers.

c) 9 kilometers.

32.  In a kiosk I bought a comic at 40 cents and a seed bag at 60 cents.

How much money did I pay?

a) 100 cents.

b) 20 cents.

c) 50 cents


33.  My grandmother gave me 9 postcards for my collection. If I already had 11 postcards,

How many postcards do I have now?

a) 2 postcards.

b) 12 postcards.

c) 20 postcards.


34.  Manuel has 11 marbles and Juan José has 8 marbles more.

How many marbles does Juan José have?

a) 19 marbles.

b) 3 marbles.

c) 6 marbles.


35.  When I went out to recess, I had 6 marbles. I won 2 marbles in the game and then I lost 4.

How many marbles do I have at the end of the recess?

a) 12 marbles.

b) 8 marbles.

c) 4 marbles.


36.  In a movie theater, there are 6 people. 2 more people come in and then 2 people come out.

How many people are left in the movie theater?

a) 10 people.

b) 2 people.

c) 6 people.


37.  In a movie theater, there are 4 children. 2 of them come out and then 5 children come in.

How many children are there at the end of the movie?

a) 11 children.

b) 7 children.

c) 10 children.


38.  10 people travel in a bus. If 7 of them get down and then 11 people get in.

How many people are there in the bus?

a) 17 people.

b) 12 people.

c) 14 people.


39.  In a circus, there were 6 elephants, 9 tigers and 10 monkeys.

How many animals were there in the circus?

a) 15 animals.

b) 19 animals.

c) 25 animals.


40. Agustín had 6 euros and his father gave him 6. He bought a book that cost 11 euros.

How much money does he have now?

a) 21 Euros.

b) 2 Euros.

c) 1 Euro.


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