2 + 8

Tables of addition

- - - - - - - - - -

Tables of subtraction

- - - - - - - - - -

Simple operations

Combined operations


Aritmetic tables

Instructions: Press one of the buttons on the right column The correct number is put in red .

In the combined operations, you must do the first operation with the first two numbers. Then, you must do the second operation with the result and the third number.

Simple operations

2 + 8 =

4 + 7 =

6 + 5 =

8 + 4 =

10 + 8 =

8 - 3 =

15 - 5 =

14 - 7

13 - 9

18 - 11 =

Combined operations

2 + 1 - 2 =

6 - 5 - 1 =

5 - 4 + 5 =

1 + 1 - 1 =

1 + 4 + 5 =

6 + 8 - 10 =

10 - 9 + 6 =

10 + 11 + 10 =

6 + 8 - 8 =

8 - 6 + 9 =


1. Beatriz had 6 butterflies and one day, she set free 3 of them.

How many butterflies does she have left?

a) 3 butterflies.

b) 9 butterflies.

c) 4 butterflies.


2. One day, Jesus receives 30 cents. Another day, he receives 40 cents.

How much money did he receive in the 2 days?

a) 50 cents.

b) 10 cents.

c) 70 cents.


3. Antonio had 6 marbles and he won 11 marbles when he was playing with friends.

How many marbles does he have now?

a) 17 marbles.

b) 5 marbles.

c) 16 marbles.


4. My cousin is 8 years old.

How old will he be in 10 years?

a) 14 years.

b) 2 years.

c) 18 years.


5. I had 6 canaries in a cage. I sold 3 and 3 escaped.

How many canaries does I have now?

a) 0 canary.

b) 9 canaries.

c) 10 canaries.


6. There were 3 planes on the runway. 2 of them depart and 2 arrive.

How many planes are there in the runway?

a) 7 planes.

b) 3 planes.

c) 5 planes.


7. Pilar has 2 CDs at home, Carmina has 3 and Sofia has 2.

How many CDs are there altogether?

a) 7 CDs.

b) 5 CDs.

c) 8 CDs.


8. My mom has spent 8 euros in apples, 8 euros in bananas and 11 euros in oranges.

How much money did she spend?

a) 27 Euros.

b) 16 Euros.

c) 19 Euros.


9. Felipe has 8 euros in his pocket. He spend 1 in candies and 3 in seed bags.

How much money does he have left?

a) 3 Euros.

b) 4 Euros.

c) 12 Euros.


10. Mr. José has 7 CDs in his store, he brought 11 from the storehouse and sold 11.

How many CDs are left in the store?

a) 7 CDs.

b) 8 CDs.

c) 29 CDs.


Registration Information

| Educational applications | Calculation |
In Spanish | To print

®Arturo Ramo García.-Record of intellectual property of Teruel (Spain) No 141, of 29-IX-1999
Plaza Playa de Aro, 3, 1º DO 44002-TERUEL