1.Educate yourself
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Name: ______________________________________  Subject: _______________________ Date: _______

Write the missing word

  First Part

    I am a Computer. I write myself with a capital letter because I would like to be a person just like you so that way we could talk. I say I am a Computer and I cannot be more than a Computer. I would be nothing, if it was not for the electronic engineer that created me, and I must do that for which I was created. I cannot be something else, nor can I perfect myself by myself.

    You, on the other hand, are a human being. And even though we do have in common that we were both created, the differences between you and I are abysmal.

    Would you be able to tell me in what your superiority consist of?

    You were created “intelligent” and “free”; able to know, to reason, to take decisions by yourself. This is your own being that you cannot change: you will always be a human being. However, because you are a person, you have infinite possibilities to perfect and/or deteriorate yourself! What I mean is that, in your hands, you have the power to decide “your own way of being”.

  A. Answer the following statements: the computer, human beings, big, small.

 An electronic engineer created


 It has an operating system installed


 It can perfect itself by itself


 The differences between a computer and a human being are


 It is intelligent and free


 It can know and reason


 It has a program installed


 It can choose its own way of being


  Second Part

You can choose between being:

     Responsible or irresponsible
     Friend or enemy
     Loyal or traitor
     Strong or weak
     Consistent or irregular
     Obedient or rebel
     Calm or nervous
     Sincere or hypocrite
     Simple or intricate
     Ordered or chaotic
     Comprehensive or intolerant
     Hard working or lazy
     Sober or drunk
     Generous or egoistic
     Fair or unfair
     Prudent or reckless
     Courageous or afraid
     Bashful or rude
     Happy or sad

  B. Answer the following statements: enemy, rude, weak, hypocrite, rebel, intricate, chaotic, lazy, enemy, egoistic, weak, rude, sad, traitor, unfair, afraid, drunk, irregular, nervous, intolerant, intricate, sad, irresponsible, nervous.

 The opposite of strong is

 The opposite of sincere is
 The opposite of hard working is
 The opposite of generous is
 The opposite of loyal is
 The opposite of consistent is  
 The opposite of simple is
 The opposite of happy is

  Third Part 

    Read again the column on the left.
    Now, read the column on the right. You are in the position of choosing.
    Which column do you choose? If you chose the column on the left, continue reading.
    I want to help you become a perfect person. You have chosen the universal values that belong to every human being. Conquering these values must be the reason for all of your efforts.
    In sum, it is about reaching your fullest human potential. I must warn you that progressing in one of these virtues also means progressing in many others. They do not exist by themselves; they are interrelated. Some support each other. C’mon! It is worth it!
    If you chose the column on the right, turn off the computer. However, I must warn you that you are crazy, stupid or a monster. What a pity for Humanity!
    (A translation of Don Samuel Valero’s original work.)

  C. Answer the following statements: left, right, others, none, perfect, crazy. . . . .

 The computer wants you to choose the column on the
 Universal human values are on the column on the
 It would be a bad option to choose the column on the
 You will reach your fullest human potential by choosing
 The various virtues are
 To progress in one virtue is to progress in
 You can turn off your computer if you have chosen the column on the
 If you chose the column on the left you will be a person that is

| Educational applications | Self-education | In Spanish | Interactive |

®Arturo Ramo García.-Record of intellectual property of Teruel (Spain) No 141, of 29-IX-1999
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